Dutch nationals wounded in Paris attacks, survivors tell of blood everywhere

Two Dutch men and one woman are among the 100 people injured in the Paris terrorist attacks, the foreign ministry said on Saturday afternoon.

All three are being treated in Paris hospitals and are thought to have been shot, RTL news said.

Meanwhile, other Dutch nationals in Paris have been talking about their narrow escapes from the bloodbath.

Ferry Zandvliet was at the Bataclan concert hall when the terrorists began to shoot. ‘I heard shots and everyone dived to the ground,’ he told RTL news. ‘People covered with blood were lying on the floor. I saw wounded people and dead people. There was blood everywhere.’

The Rotterdamer was one of a group of four friends who went to the Eagles of Death Metal concert. Zandvliet had been standing close to the emergency exit.

‘I crawled to the exit like a crazy man,’ he told RTL news. ‘But there was a man with a gun by the door. I thought “we’ll never get out”.’ Someone then kicked open the door and Zandvliet was able to run out, RTL reported.

Zandvliet’s three friends also made it out alive and uninjured.

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