‘New students opt for degrees with bigger earning power’

young, pretty female college student sitting in a classroom fullThe new wave of Dutch students are more likely to choose subjects with big earning potential, the Telegraaf says on Tuesday.

Figures from the hbo college and university associations show technical studies and law are particularly popular this academic year, with rises of up to 12% in applications.

Dutch student union LSVb says the scrapping of student grants for all but students from the poorest homes has had an impact and students are taking earnings potential more into account when deciding what to study.

‘We are concerned about the consequences the student loan system is having on degree courses which are useful to society but don’t result in big salaries,’ a spokesman told the paper.

Last week, RTL news reported that students with an ethnic minority background are more likely than their ethnic Dutch peers to opt for courses with high salaries and social prestige.

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