Small firms want overhaul of Dutch sick pay system

stethoscope healthcare doctorThe Dutch small and medium-sized firm association wants the government to overhaul the sick pay system to reduce the cost to its members.

Currently employers have to pay sick workers their salary for up to two years, but MKB-Nederland says this is too expensive for small firms. Nor should companies have to pay compensation to staff who are sacked after two years off sick, the organisation says.

In addition, companies should not have to pay out if a worker has to take time off for a private activity such as a skiing injury, the association says.

Its recommendations are contained in a report which will be presented to prime minister Mark Rutte on Monday.

Research sent to parliament by social affairs minister Lodewijk Asscher on Friday shows 75% of employers have taken out insurance to cover the cost of staff who are absent for long periods, news agency ANP says.

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