Some 9,000 savers come clean over foreign bank accounts

The deadline for notifying the tax office of illicit savings in foreign bank accounts ends on Monday and almost 9,000 people have so far registered to take advantage of the amnesty, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Thursday.

After Monday, people will have to pay a fine of 30% of their illegal savings as well as the due tax. This will go up to 60% in July next year.

The amnesty was launched 10 months ago and coincided with changes to banking secrecy laws in Switzerland, Austria and Luxemburg. Tax office officials say some €4.5bn in assets has now been legitimised, bringing in an extra €675m for the treasury.

Anyone still wishing to come clean on their foreign savings is advised to do so by registered post to be sure it meets the deadline.

However, despite the amnesty, which is mainly aimed at people with up to a few million euros stashed in foreign accounts, former tax office investigator Ton Apeldoorn told the FD Dutch nationals still have an estimated €50bn in illicit foreign bank accounts and investment schemes.

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