Cabinet reaches compromise on Afghanistan

Ministers have reached a compromise on extending the Dutch mission in Afghanistan past the August deadline, magazine Elsevier reports on its website, quoting cabinet sources.

The magazine says the proposal, which involves staying in Afghanistan with a much smaller force, will be discussed by the full cabinet on Friday.
A definite decision will be taken next Friday. Foreign minister Maxime Verhagen discussed the compromise with the Americans, British and Australians during last week’s London conference on Afghanistan, Elsevier says.
A number of extra conditions demanded by Labour ministers have been met, opening the way for a new deal. Labour, part of the three-party coalition government, is opposed to any extension.
The Netherlands is to begin pulling its 1,800 soldiers and support staff out in August, with the last man due to leave in December.
It is easier to justify an extra six months for the Dutch forces because the US has agreed to begin its pull out in August 2011, Elsevier says.

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