Amsterdam to force down rents in vacant apartments after six months

Amsterdam city council is planning to get tough on landlords who leave properties empty because they can’t find tenants willing to pay such high prices, the Parool reported on Thursday.
Research suggests some 4,000 homes in the capital are currently empty and housing chief Jakob Wedemeijer plans to change the rules from September so landlords can be forced to cut the rent to acceptable levels.
Landlords are currently required by law to report property left vacant for more than six months to city officials, although many currently ignore the ruling or say they plan to renovate or sell the property instead.
The new plan involves giving the city powers to apply ‘market rents’ to empty housing so it can be occupied as quickly as possible. ‘If there is no demand for expensive rental properties, the rents must come down,’ Wedemeijer told the paper.
As yet it is not clear how the council plans to calculate this.
In addition, landlords who say they plan to sell or renovate a property will also be required to rent the property out on a temporary contract if it is empty for more than six months.
Landlords can be fined up to €8,700 for failing to comply.
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