Red Cross launches appeal for people unable to buy food due to corona crisis

Around 25,000 people in the Netherlands do not have enough money to buy food as a result of the coronavirus crisis, according to the Dutch Red Cross.

The charity has launched an appeal for donations to support those whose incomes have been hit during lockdown.

‘It’s people who have lost their jobs, labour migrants and people who don’t have papers and so aren’t eligible for ordinary support,’ said secretary general Marieke van Schaik.

Workers in sectors such as construction, hospitality and cleaning have all been laid off during lockdown as falling demand and the effect of social distancing restrictions took their toll.

The Red Cross has set a target of supporting 3,000 families through to the end of the year from donations to the Giro 7244 appeal.

‘We need to ensure that they can put a basic meal on the table for themselves and their families,’ said Van Schaik. ‘The [national institute for budget information] Nibud has calculated that €3.50 is needed to provide a breakfast, lunch or evening meal for one person.’

Click here for more information on the campaign and ways to donate

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