Demand for garden plants in lockdown helps Dutch flower sector to recover

Cut flowers at a wholesalers. Photo:
Cut flowers at a wholesalers. Photo:

The Dutch cut flower and plant sector is showing strong signs of recovery after suffering a drop in exports of 32% in March and 38% in April, according to ABN Amro economists.

In May, exports were still down, but year on year difference had shrunk to 8%, ABN Amro said. The decline was due to the export of cut flowers, and more plants were sold abroad.

The Dutch Flower Group, an alliance of 33 flower and plant growers, has also seen a strong improvement in in the past two months. ‘People have been at home a lot, sitting in their gardens, and they want them to look nice, so there is a lot of demand for plants,’ director Marco van Zijverden told broadcaster NOS.

‘We supply plants to garden centres and DIY stores all over Europe, and have had the best May ever. June was also up,’ he said. Flower exports, however, are still down, Van Zijverden said.

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