MPs begin hearings into foreign funding of Dutch mosques

Essalam Mosque. Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
The Essalam mosque in Rotterdam. Photo:

A parliamentary commission set up to investigate the foreign funding of mosques and Islamic schools in the Netherlands will begin hearings on Monday.

‘MPs have been debating about the issues for years but much remains unclear,’ CDA parliamentarian and commission chairman Michel Rog said. ‘The commission wants to gather insights into how to take effective steps to stem these influences.’

The commission has been set up in the wake of a report by current affairs show Nieuwsuur, which showed that the government has kept information about how much foreign money is pumped into Dutch mosques secret.

The head of the AIVD secret service, terrorism experts, mosque leaders and mayors will all appear before the commission. However, broadcaster NOS points out, no-one from the Saudi or Kuwait embassies has been asked to attend.

The government included a commitment to stamp out foreign funding in its 2017 coalition agreement but more still needs to be done to establish if this is possible, social affairs minister Wouter Koolmees said last year.

At least 30 Islamic organisations in the Netherlands currently have, or have had, funding from the Gulf states including millions of euros from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, the NRC reported earlier.

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