New style national park honours Vincent van Gogh

The church Van Gogh painted in Nuenen. Photo: Dutch News

An area of Noord-Brabant covering some 100,000 hectares has been dubbed a new “national park”, named in honour of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.

The new Van Gogh Nationaal Park covers the area where Van Gogh grew up and where he painted The Potato Eaters, said to be his favourite painting. “Visitors from home and abroad can enjoy the same nature and same beautiful landscapes that inspired Van Gogh,” park chairman Martijn van Dam said at Tuesday’s launch ceremony.

The Van Gogh National Park is the first “new style” national park that takes culture and the local economy into account, as well as the natural environment, hence the incorporation of towns and cities. 

The area stretches from Breda in the south west to Helmond in the east and includes various nature reserves including the Loonse and Drunense Duinen. It also includes some 46 Van Gogh-related monuments.

National park status provides “a strong motor for further area development and a good living environment for man, flora and fauna,” Van Dam said.

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