Confusion over refugee crisis plan as minister says “it’s ready”

Marjolein Faber is grilled by the press about the blunder. Photo: Remko de Waal ANP

Immigration minister Marjolein Faber is again under fire in The Hague, this time for saying documentary evidence needed to declare an asylum emergency was complete and had been distributed to coalition parties, only to retract her claim a short while later.

The right-wing coalition aims to invoke crisis legislation to bypass parliament and bring in new rules to curb the arrival of refugees.

Legal experts and civil servants have said the situation cannot be described as a crisis, but Faber has pressed ahead with her plan despite the criticism. The senate has also said it will not accept such a move.

On Tuesday afternoon Faber told reporters that the motivation for the move was complete and that coalition party leaders were in negotiations. They, however, reacted with surprise when asked, and said they had seen nothing.

An hour later Faber retracted her statement. “You know me, I’m always very enthusiastic,” she said. “It is not completely finished. We need to check and double check some final things.”

The chaos is particularly painful because coalition partner NSC has serious concerns about the plan.

“Faber is causing a lot of confusion,” said RTL commentator Fons Lambie. “It is all very chaotic and amateurish. Whether or not the crisis legislation materialises depends on talks between the prime minister and the four party leaders.”

Lambie said PVV leader Geert Wilders, who had threatened a cabinet crisis over the issue, now appears to be more open to some form of compromise.

Prime minister Dick Schoof said on Monday the cabinet hopes to take a decision at next Monday’s cabinet meeting. The following Friday is also an option.

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