Amersfoort first Dutch city to impose ban on wood burning stoves


Amersfoort has become the first Dutch city to ban wood burning stoves under certain weather conditions following reports from people who said the smoke penetrated their homes, broadcaster NOS reported.

Health alderman Johnas van Lammeren of the animal rights party PvdD said that “in an ever more crowded city people should be more considerate of each other”.

The fumes from wood burning stoves are detrimental to sufferers from lung disease and asthma.

Owners can check on a dedicated website if they can fire up their wood burners. If the chances are the smoke will linger, for instance in damp or windless conditions, an orange of red code will appear.

People who have an agreement with their neighbours will be allowed to use their stoves without repercussions even if the code is orange or red. The council will only intervene in the event of a complaint.

The council will then arrange a visit to explain the ban. If that fails to help, persistent perpetrators can be fined up to €800.

The measure has not yet been checked to see if it is legally viable, but Van Lammeren said the new environmental law, which came into effect in January this year, makes it likely it will be adopted.

“I expect other local councils will follow suit,” Van Lammeren said.

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