Almost half the Dutch want a more critical approach to Israel

Graffiti in Amsterdam. Photo: Dutch News

Almost half of Dutch voters say the government should take a tougher line against Israel, according to research by Ipsos I&O on behalf of the Volkskrant.

Of the representative sample of 968 people questioned, 47% say the Netherlands should be more critical of Israel, 9% say the government should be more supportive and 16% accept current policy. Over a quarter have no opinion.

The research took place before the recent Israeli offensive in Lebanon, but researcher Peter Kanne told the paper he did not think that would have made much difference.

The percentage of people calling for a more critical approach has remained virtually unchanged since Israel began its counter-offensive following the October 7 attacks, he told the paper.

While opposition parties are strongest in their opposition to the government line, a majority (55%) of NSC and 48% of VVD voters want to see a more critical approach.

Even within the far right PVV, whose leader Geert Wilders is a staunch ally of Israel, 30% would like to see more criticism of Tel Aviv, compared with 26% who support the current line and 18% who would be more pro-Israel.

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