Zutphen offers to house refugees in sports hall to help Ter Apel

The accommodation agency COA has come under strain in recent weeks. Photo: Depositphotos.com

A sports hall in Zutphen, Gelderland is being converted into a temporary shelter for refugees to help ease overcrowding at the asylum reception centre in Ter Apel.

The town’s mayor, Wimar Jansen, said one of the three spaces in the Hanzehal on Fanny Blankers-Koenweg would be made available for up to 100 people until the end of the week.

In recent days other local authorities have stepped in to relieve the pressure at Ter Apel, which has gone well over its capacity of 2,200 refugees.

The centre has had to implement a “one in, one out” policy and turn away single men, leading to fears that refugees will end up sleeping outside the facility.

“We do not think it is acceptable for people to sleep on the grass in wind and bad weather,” Jansen said. “That’s why we are taking responsibility.”

The mayor said the sports hall would only be available for a week because it was unsuitable for long-term accommodation. “The facilities are good, but it’s 100 people sleeping together in one room,” he said.

Jansen added that he had not heard from the refugee accommodation agency COA if they intended to relocate refugees to Zutphen. The 130km journey from Ter Apel wouid take around 1 hour and 45 minutes.

“We have an asylum seekers’ centre here and good contact with COA,” Jansen said. “If there is a shortage of beds in Ter Apel we can accommodate them in a good and orderly manner.”

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