The sun is set to return and it will be warmer this weekend

Enjoying the sunshine on Vlieland. Photo: Dutch News

After several cooler and wet days, summer temperatures and the sun are set to return to the Netherlands, weather bureau KNMI said on Thursday.

Although Thursday will start out cloudy, the sun will break through in the afternoon, taking the maximum temperature to 27°, but it will be cooler on the coast and with more wind.

Friday will be dry and sunny with temperatures up to 27° in the north and 22° in the south, where rain is also more likely.

The weekend will be a mix of sunshine and cloud, with rain possible on Sunday, and temperatures in the mid to high 20°s. There may also be some thunderstorms on Sunday evening.

Monday and Tuesday next week are likely to be wet and warm, and after that the temperature will drop to seasonal averages. The weather is set to remain changeable well into September, the KNMI said.

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