Puck Pieterse wins first women’s mountain biking gold for NL

Anne Terpstra, Puck Pieterse and Martina Berta with their medals. Photo: Maxime Schmid EPA

Puck Pieterse has become the first Dutch woman to win a world title in mountain biking, after taking the cross country gold in Andorra on Sunday. The Netherlands’ Anne Terpstra took the silver and Martina Berta of Italy the bronze.

The victory is sweet revenge for the 22-year-old, who lost her chance of a medal at the summer Olympics in Paris because of a flat tyre. She eventually finished fourth.

Pieterse crossed the finishing line waving a Dutch flag she had taken from a supporter as she reached the end of the course.

Watch her performance

“The one two is quite mad,” Pieterse said after the race. “We are not big as a mountain bike country. I live below sea level so to perform like this with Anne here is extra special.”

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