Primary schools also ban mobile phones from the classroom

Hundreds of young children have their own phones. Photo:

Primary schools are heeding the call to ban mobile phones and other devices from the classroom as the new school year kicks off, Dutch media reported on Monday.

Secondary schools, but not MBO trade schools, have been mobile-free since January 1 following research saying they are detrimental to school results. “Scatterbrained “children, unable to withstand the lure of their phones, score on average of 1 to 1.3 points lower in tests, the research showed.

Exceptions will be made for pupils who need a phone, tablet or smartphone for medical reasons or if the devices are used for educational purposes.

Teachers are happy with the results so far, saying pupils are talking to each other more and are better able to concentrate. They are also better behaved to teachers and each other, a survey by teachers’ union AOb showed.

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