“Points system would better regulate foreign worker entry”

Immigration control at Schiphol airport. Photo: Depositphotos.com

The government should introduce a points system to decide what non-EU workers should be allowed to come to the Netherlands, based on their added value to the economy, a government think-tank said on Wednesday.

“We should look at the Netherlands’ economic, social and ecological interests,” Monique Kremer, chairman of the migration advisory council Adviesraad Migratie said. “It should no longer be about the interests of some employers.”

The council also criticised the low pay and the poor housing facing some foreign workers who come to the country to do low-skilled jobs. “The companies employing labour migrants get the benefits but the disadvantages affect the rest of society,” the think-tank said.

The new right-wing government wants to bring in restrictions on the number of people who come to the Netherlands to work, both from within the EU and outside.

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