Parachutist wounded in Operation Market Garden commemoration

A panorama view of Operation Market Garden. Photo: Liberation Museum

One of the parachutists taking part in a commemorative re-enactment of Operation Market Garden in Gelderland on Wednesday was injured when he landed in a tree.

It is 80 years ago this year that American parachutists landed in the fields between Overasselt and Nederasselt as part of the Allied attempt to free the Netherlands in 1944.

Some 25 parachutists jumped from a plane in the late afternoon, the second of two scheduled jumps but six people ended up in trees and shrubs. Most escaped with minor injuries but one man had to be taken to hospital, local authorities in Gelderland told broadcaster NOS.

It is unclear what caused the second jump to go wrong but both jumps had to be postponed earlier because of adverse weather conditions.

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