NOS begins daily news bulletins in easy-to-follow Dutch

Graphic: NOS

National news broadcaster NOS is beginning a daily bulletin in simplified language to cater for the 2.5 million adults in the Netherlands with language difficulties.

The NOS Journaal in Makkelijke Taal is aimed at people who struggle to follow the regular news programmes, such as the elderly, people with learning disabilities and new migrants who are learning Dutch. It will be broadcast every day at 5pm on NPO1.

The programme’s editor, Marga van Beusekom, said it served a different audience from the children’s news show Jeugdjournaal. “Children’s news is often delivered with lots of intensity and effects.

“The tempo and the use of images in NOS Journaal in Makkelijke Taal is much more sedate so that the target audience can follow it.

“The programme has fewer items than other news bulletins, the presenters explain things more and difficult words are not used.”

Basic knowledge

Regular bulletins assume viewers have a basic knowledge of subjects such as the Dutch political system, international organisations and personal finance, whereas the simplified version will include more background information.

“The regular bulletins assume that viewers know what Nato is,” Van Beusekom said. “But when Rutte takes over as boss, we will explain that in detail.”

Giselle van Cann, editor-in-chief of NOS Nieuws, said the project began in response to an inquiry from Stichting Lezen en Schrijven, a non-profit organisation that promotes literacy.

“There are 2.5 million people in the Netherlands who have difficulties with reading, writing or arithmetic. These people also often have difficulty processing information,” she said.

“What really shocked me was that this group is growing. I didn’t realise that.”

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