More dads taking paid leave to look after their children: UWV

Fathers are less likely to take up parental leave. Photo:

More new parents are taking advantage of one of the paid leave schemes to look after their babies, with the number of fathers increasing as well, figures from state benefits agency UWV have shown.

The number of applications for paid parental leave, which was expanded two years ago, has shot up by 20%, from 140,000 in the first year to 170,000 in the second. Some 90% of applications were granted.

Parents who take paid parental leave receive 70% of their wages during nine weeks in the first year of their baby’s life.

The increase is “a positive development” and shows more parents are aware of the scheme, a spokesman for the social affairs ministry told news platform

Some 40% of the applications were made by new fathers, compared to 33% in 2022. Part-timers opted for parental leave more often than people working full-time.

Paid parental leave is just one of a plethora of schemes surrounding the birth of a baby, including a 16-week fully paid leave for new mothers, partner leave on the day of the birth, one week of fully paid leave for partners within 4 weeks of the birth plus five additional weeks at 70% of their salary.

The latter scheme was found to be underused, prompting then social affairs minister Karien van Gennep to propose a simplification of the system.

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