Man arrested on child abuse charges admits to molesting 19


The 45-year-old man from Barendrecht arrested last week in connection with a series of suspected sex attacks on children has admitted to abusing 19.

Most of the children were coming towards the end of their time in primary school, he reportedly told the police, indicating they were around 11. The parents of his victims have now been informed and there are no indications more children are involved, the public prosecution department said.

The man surrendered to police on September 10 after criminal complaints were made against him. He is currently being detained in custody and will appear in court for a remand hearing on Friday.

One neighbour told NOS the man and his wife came to live in the street 14 years ago. They have since had two children, a girl and a boy and divorced four years ago. His wife lives in the same neighbourhood and the children attend the local school.

The man reportedly works in IT and was described by the neighbour as “a bit of a nerd and not very communicative”.

Police have searched his home and a campsite in Hoeven where he has a caravan and visited regularly with his children. The Telegraaf said on Tuesday that many of the victims are friends of his own offspring.

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