Germany to hand over three suspects in fatal attack in The Hague


German authorities have agreed to hand over three men wanted in connection with a fatal attack on a man in The Hague.

Omroep West reported that the men, aged between 19 and 23, would be transferred to the Netherlands in the next few months. An application to hand over a fourth suspect is still being considered by the courts.

The four men are alleged to have assaulted a 23-year-old Somali man on the Plein square, close to The Hague’s central railway station, in the early hours of July 21. The victim died from his injuries after being taken to hospital.

Police believe the incident was the culmination of an argument that began on Lange Poten at around midnight.

The four suspects were arrested in Remscheid, near Wuppertal in the Ruhr region of North Rhine-Westphalia, two weeks later.

A spokesman for the Dutch prosecution service said: “We are waiting for the transfer to take place and we hope it will happen in the next few months.”

The victim was living in an asylum seekers’ centre in Heerhugowaard, near Alkmaar, where he was buried in a ceremony attended by around 50 people.

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