Dog poop on pavements is irritant number one, say Dutch

Photo: Dutch News

Dog poop left on pavements or in the grass in the biggest bugbear among the Dutch when it comes naming nuisances in their their neighbourhood.

Almost six in 10 people say dog excrement is an irritation, national statistics office CBS said on Wednesday. The figures come from the agency’s latest statistical year book, Nederland in Cijfers, which involved 180,000 people.

City and town dwellers are more likely to be annoyed by dog poop than those living in the countryside, the CBS said.

Rubbish left lying around is the second biggest irritant, annoying over four in 10 people. In third place was broken or unusable street furniture and in fourth place, graffiti. It irritated just one in 10 local residents.

Another irritant – groups of youngsters hanging around – is perceived as a problem by 12.5% of respondents, a figure that has not changed since 2012, the CBS said.

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