Court finds Pakistani men guilty of calling for Wilders’ murder

The high security courtroom. Photo: N. van der Pas

Two Pakistan nationals who called on their followers to murder Dutch far right politician Geert Wilders should be jailed for 14 and four years, judges at the high security court at Schiphol airport said on Monday.

But neither man was in court and Pakistan has not responded to calls for their extradition, making it unlikely either of them will spend time in a Dutch jail.

The public prosecution department had called for a 14-year jail term for religious leader Muhammed Ashraf Jalali, who called several times on his supporters to behead or hang Wilders.

A second defendant, 29-year-old Saad Hussain Rizvi, leader of the extremist political party Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan, was given a four year jail term. However, he was found not guilty of membership of a terrorist organisation.

This is not the first time the Netherlands has tried people who have threatened Wilders without them being present.

Last year, a third Pakistani, former cricketer Khalid Latif, was jailed for 12 years in absentia after posting a video on YouTube promising 3 million Pakistan rupees to anyone who murdered Wilders and filmed the killing.

In 2019, a Pakistani man living in the Netherlands, Junaid I, was given a 10-year jail sentence for plotting an attack on the PVV leader.

The Netherlands does not have an extradition treaty with Pakistan and attempts to have the men sent to the Netherlands have failed to produce a result. The foreign affairs and justice ministries both said in a briefing that there have been “intensive talks” about the importance of the case to the Netherlands.

Those efforts will be resumed next week at the UN general assembly in New York, the briefing said.

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