Coalition parties urge minister to take action on fatbikes


MPs from two more coalition parties have called on infrastructure minister Barry Madlener, who represents the far-right PVV in parliament, to rethink his opposition to introducing new rules for the use of fat bikes.

Both the countryside party BBB and Madlener’s own PVV back bringing in an age limit to use the wide-tyred two-wheelers, following a spate of accidents, often involving youngsters. The NSC has been in favour of an age limit for some time.

Doctors and road safety experts have also called for action.

PVV MP Hidde Heutink said on social media on Saturday that Madlener should introduce an age limit as soon as possible although what that should be is still being debated within the party. “The Netherlands is screaming for measures to stop souped up fatbikes,” he said. “We can’t go on like this.”

Earlier in the day BBB leader Caroline van der Plas called for compulsory helmets and a 16-year age limit.

Madlener said last week he did not back legislation. An age limit, he said, would be going too far because would have an impact on children who use electric bikes to get to school.

The PVV and BBB backing means there is a large majority in favour of new rules in parliament. MPs are due to debate road safety in two weeks time.

Support for government action to limit the fatbike menace is growing, with most people calling for compulsory helmets, licences or a minimum age, according to a survey of 19,000 RTL news readers last week.

Fatbikes are electric bikes with wide tyres but are more similar to old-fashioned mopeds and are often souped up to go faster than the maximum 25 kph. More than half of fatbikes checked by police in Amsterdam in the first five months of 2024 had been tinkered with to reach higher speeds.

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