BBB farm minister to rethink ban on electric cattle prods

A still from the video. Photo: Varkens in Nood

Farm minister Femke Wiersma has said she is rethinking a proposed ban on the use of electric prods by the livestock sector, despite a string of abuses in the past.

Wiersma’s predecessor Piet Adema said he would bring in a ban this summer after undercover footage showing pigs being blasted with 5,000 volts of electric shocks via a cattle prod as they are transported. Several companies have also been fined for causing animals unnecessary suffering by using the prods.

Wiersma, a minister on behalf of the pro-farmers’ party BBB, said she wanted to talk to the factory farming sector about the situation and that she is keen to prevent the Netherlands from adopting rules that are stricter than EU regulations.

But her decision has been slammed by MPs, including those from coalition party VVD. “I am extremely disappointed,” said VVD parliamentarian Thom van Campen. “There are so many alternatives to get animals moving.”

A majority of MPs also support the ban.

Wiersma said she would announce her revised plans after first speaking to pig farmers, transport firms and slaughterhouses.

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