Almost half home owners back reducing mortgage tax relief


Almost half Dutch home owners support further restrictions in the current mortgage tax relief system, according to a new survey by home owners association VEH.

While just 7% support scrapping it completely, 31% say it should be cut further – in line with recommendations by Dutch central bank and IMF. Some 41% say mortgage tax relief should remain as it is, and 14% think it should be increased.

Currently home owners can offset the part of interest they pay on their mortgages against tax for a maximum of 30 years, if they have either a linear or annuity-based mortgage. In 2024, the deductible mortgage interest rate is 36.97%.

The survey also found that seven in 10 home owners felt it should be up to them what measures to take to make their homes more energy efficient. Some 55% oppose being forced to make their homes gas free and replace traditional central heating with a heat pump or city heating.

The new government has said it will scrap the requirement that all new central heating systems installed from 2027 be gas-free.

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