Painkilling options around IUD procedure to be “looked at again”

A doctor holding T-shaped IUD. Photo:

Women who are having a contraceptive IUD fitted may be prescribed extra painkilling options after all, the Dutch association of family doctors NHG has said.

The NHG had ruled out the use of other types of painkillers last week but said widespread criticism of the move had caused them to reconsider.

“We cannot say when the guidelines will be revised, nor can we say at this moment which options will be included. But painkilling methods around placing an IUD will be looked at again,” an NHG spokesman told the Volkskrant.

Currently, women who have an IUD fitted are advised to take two paracetamol or 500mg of naproxen ahead of the procedure.

Patient organisation Stichting Ava, had called on the NHG to include more options because the procedure can be “extremely painful” for some women but their request had fallen on deaf ears.

According to Stichting Ava, pain has been normalised in the Netherlands. In the United States, doctors have been told they can use localised painkilling methods, such as gels or sprays but in 2023 the NHG said proof of their efficiency was lacking. However, Dutch research has shown that painkilling gel can help.

“We are particularly happy women are being listened to,” an Ava spokeswoman said.

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