Breda fish restaurant destroyed in suspected bomb attack

The front window has been blown out. Photo: Tom van der Put ANP

An explosion in the early hours of Wednesday has completely destroyed a fish restaurant in Breda, local broadcaster Omroep Brabant reported.

People living near the Het Goudvisje fishmonger and restaurant were woken by a loud bang at around 4:30 am, the broadcaster said, and had to leave their homes. No one was hurt in the incident.

Police are investigating if the explosion was caused by an incendiary device. “Arson is one of the scenarios. We are going door to door to gather information and the premises are now under police guard, “ a police spokeswoman said.

Mohamed Bitich, owner of het Goudvisje, said he doesn’t believe the restaurant was targeted but that the fire most likely started inside the restaurant. The surveillance cameras don’t show any suspicious activity, he said.

Police are calling on witnesses to come forward.

In Amsterdam, repeated attacks on another fishmonger has prompted police to scale up their investigation. The premises now been closed for six months on the orders of the mayor.

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