Belgium drops minister kidnap charges against six Dutchmen


Six Dutchmen accused of trying to kidnap the former Belgian justice minister will no longer face kidnapping charges but will face trial for illegal weapons and forming a criminal organisation, according to local media reports.

Four of the six were arrested in The Hague and Leidschendam in September 2022 and were said to have been plotting to kidnap Vincent Van Quickenborne at his home on the order of a Dutch drugs gang.

According to Belgian media, the arrests followed the discovery of a car with Dutch number plates close to the minister’s house in Courtray (Kortrijk). The car contained Kalashnikov rifles, other weapons and tie ribs, which can be used to bind someone’s hands and feet.

Two other Dutchmen were arrested later and all six were extradited to Belgium.

According to the police, the gang planned to kidnap Van Quickenborne and swap him for someone held in a Belgian jail.

However, the public prosecution department now says it cannot prove the six suspects knowingly played a role in the kidnap plot and has dropped that part of the charges against them.

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