Alkmaar arson girls may have started seven fires on Friday

Close-up of the front of a Dutch fire engine

The two girls arrested on Friday on suspicion of an arson attack on a shopping centre in Alkmaar on Friday are suspects in six other arson attempts, the public prosecution department said on Monday.

The girls, aged 12 and 14, appeared before a magistrate on Monday and the 14-year-old was remanded in custody. The 12-year-old was allowed home.

All the shops in the De Mare shopping centre on the Europaboulevard were evacuated when the fire broke out, as were some nearby homes. The blaze caused considerable damage to the building.

The other arson attempts include the city centre library, a branch of McDonald’s, a Hema store, the Grote Kerk, a cinema and a branch of the Decathlon store, the Telegraaf reported.

The girls, from Heerhugowaard and Den Helder, were picked up on Friday evening close to the complex after police circulated an alert.

In the Netherlands, children aged 12 to 15 can be given a maximum sentence of one year in juvenile detention. Court cases involving minors are also subject to strict privacy laws.

The police have not confirmed the girls’ ages but have urged people to stop circulating photographs reportedly showing them online.

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