Dutch FA says only captains can talk to referees about decisions

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Only the captains of both professional and amateur football teams will be able to ask the referee to explain a decision in the coming season, Dutch football association KNVB said on Wednesday.

The new rule, also in play at the Olympics, was introduced following good results using the measure during the European Championships in Germany.

Stopping a herd of mouthy footballers from surrounding the referee will boost good behaviour on and off the pitch, the KNVB said. “Good sportsmanship and respect are important core values,” the body said in a statement.

From now on the referee will only speak to the captains if an explanation about an important decision is called for. Captains will also be responsible for keeping their teammates away and other players who approach the referee will be given a yellow card.

The KNVB said it expects trainers and board members to abide by the same rule and inform the clubs of the implications of the new regulation.

The new football season kicks off in the Netherlands on August 9.

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