Atlas given reprieve from carrying the world for repairs

The world is removed from Atlas' shoulders. Photo: Odi Busman

A 350-year-old bronze statue of Atlas on top of the palace on Dam Square has been temporarily released from its burden as the globe was lowered to the ground in the next phase of an extensive renovation project on Monday.

Atlas supporting the heavens as a punishment for challenging Zeus is a well-known theme from Greek mythology. Its representation is part of several statues on the roof of the former city hall in need of repair .

Atlas himself, who is seven metres tall, will be taken down in stages and will be joining other decorations from the roof in an exhibition at the palace.

The palace’s Atlas is based on a clay sculpture made by Artus Quellinus in 1650. It’s not the first time the globe has needed a repair job. Over 100 years ago, the poles helping Atlas to keep it aloft were in danger of collapsing and the globe itself showed several cracks.

The statues representing the virtue of Prudentia (prudence) will also be restored as will be the golden cog weather vane and the emperor’s crown, both emblems of the city of Amsterdam.

Look Up! A roof full of stories to tell opens on June 29 and runs until September 22

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