Lawyer Inez Weski was “asked to be a crown witness”

Inez Weski during the Marengo hearings. Photo: Ramon van Flymen ANP

The former lawyer of drugs kingpin Ridouan Taghi was asked to turn crown witness or “special informant with benefits” after her arrest, she said in an interview with the NRC on Friday.

Inez Weski (69), who spent six weeks in custody last year on suspicion of having leaked information to her client, was approached by the public prosecution office shortly after her release.

The encounter lasted “just 15 minutes” before she terminated it. It was also the “weirdest of all the traumatic and absurd events” that happened to her during her time in jail, Weski said in her book “Het geluid van de stilte” (The sound of silence) which was published on Friday.

The public prosecutor – called the persecutor by Weski – still accuses her of being part of a criminal organisation and of smuggling information into the high security prison EBI in Vught where Taghi, the main protagonist in the high-profile Marengo trial, is being held. He is currently appealing his life sentence.

Weski, who gave up her job as lawyer in July of last year, told the paper she “listened, and thought: how dare they”. Weski said she is against the use of crown witnesses which she said supply “terminally toxic quasi proof”.

The public prosecution office said it would not comment on cases that are ongoing. It is not clear when the trial against Weski will take place.

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