Two fires in one weekend at Dordrecht short stay apartments

The fire was out by early morning. Photo: ANP MEDIATV

A major fire in a block of flats in Dordrecht on Sunday evening has left the top four floors of the building uninhabitable but no one was injured in the blaze.

The fire, the second in the property over the weekend, broke out on the 11th floor and quickly spread to the top floor and roof, causing large clouds of smoke. 

A spokesman for the regional safety board said between 75 and 100 people were evacuated from the building and put up in a nearby hotel. Those on the lower floors were allowed to return in the early hours of the morning. 

There was also, according to the Telegraaf, a fire on the same floor on Saturday night, but details so far are sketchy. The paper also said there had been a third fire on the 11th floor last September and a 28-year-old man had then been arrested for arson.  

The complex contains 189 apartments and is, according to housing corporation Woonbron’s website, a “unique project” and a “short stay facility” for a wide range of tenants for up to six months. The tenants vary from students and single people to former drug addicts and homeless people which Woonbron describes as a “magic mix”.  

Dordrecht mayor Wouter Kolff described the residents as “vulnerable” on social media.

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