Peeing polar bear says goodbye to Amersfoort museum

Amersfoort likes to entertain its locals with interesting art. Photo: Paul Peeters

A giant polar bear statue, which has peed into an Amersfoort waterway for months, has been removed from its canal-side location, to the chagrin of some and the relief of others.

The bear, created by artist Florentijn, attracted international attention and became so popular that he was allowed to stay beyond the exhibition at the nearby Flehite Museum, of which it was a part.

He was, however, stopped from peeing at night because the noise irritated locals who were trying to sleep.

Climate activists have used the bear to get their message across by decking him out in banners and giving him a suitcase to illustrate his diminishing habitat.

Hofman is now be looking for another suitable place for his polar bear even though many Amersfoorters are hoping the bear will remain in the city, local broadcaster RTV Utrecht reported.

“We will miss him, but sometimes it’s time to say goodbye and welcome something new,”  museum spokeswoman Annebeth Felet told the broadcaster.

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