Vlaardingen plumber hit by fifth explosion in a week

Friday morning's damage. Photo: Media TV ANP

The fifth explosion in a week rocked property owned by Vlaardingen plumber Ron van Uffel on Thursday evening, despite extra security.

The latest blast took place around 6 am outside a company building on the Koninginnestraat, where two explosions took place earlier. The property is largely boarded up and has had extra security since Thursday.

The problems started in April but have intensified this month and the town council has since ordered four of the plumber’s buildings to be shuttered. He and his family have gone into hiding.

“We have scaled up our operation considerably and have a large investigation ongoing,” a police spokesman said. “The neighbourhood has had enough and so has the council. If we have footage of the suspects, we will show it and ultimately we need to get to those ordering the violence.”

One person was arrested in connection with the attacks earlier this week.

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