Province takes wind out of sails of turbine project in Amsterdam


Plans to build three wind turbines on the edge of a lake in Amsterdam-Noord have been shot down by the Noord-Holland provincial authorities much to the fury of city councillors.

The three 200 metre-high turbines, part of a 17 turbine project, were a key part of the city council’s sustainability plans to provide green energy for 200,000 households.

But the location, on the borders of several small local council areas, was controversial. And provincial councillors sided with the protesters, accepting their arguments about noise and health issues, as well as the potential impact on future housing projects.

Amsterdam energy transition alderwoman Zita Pels said the decision was “indecent and incomprehensible”, claiming the project had the right paperwork and that everything needs to be done “to protect our province and city from the effects of climate change”.

According to Amsterdam GroenLinks councillors, the move to block the turbines was a “campaign stunt” in the run-up to the November elections which has wiped out “years of preparation”.

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