Eindhoven hosts election debate in English: have your say

Photo: Dutch News

Eindhoven city hall is hosting an English language election debate next week which is open to everyone who wants to find out more about the November 22 vote.

Parliamentary hopefuls from five parties – VVD, GroenLinks/PvdA, C66, Volt and the CDA – have signed up to take part in the event and answer questions from potential voters. 

“A growing number of internationals have the right to vote and we think they should be able to express their concerns to those who will determine policies which will affect their lives,” says Beena Arunraj from Eindhoven News, who is organising the event. 

“This debate is for everyone who wants to follow it in English, so students, refugees, blue-collar immigrants and expats.” Business leaders and community groups have also been invited to attend.

Register to attend the debate

A survey of international voters by Dutch News found that the GroenLinks/PvdA is by far the most popular choice, followed by D66, the VVD and Volt. Dutch News editor Robin Pascoe will also be moderating one of the panel sessions during the November 16 meeting. 

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