Work starts planting millions of bulbs for next year’s Keukenhof

In total, seven million bulbs will be planted. Photo: Robin van Lonkhuijzen ANP

Gardeners at the Keukenhof flower gardens have started work on planting seven million bulbs for the spring 2024 show.

Work began on Thursday and will continue for three months to ensure a continual display of flowers in the eight weeks the gardens are open.

In total, a team of 40 people work on the preparations for the show which next year will mark 75 years since the first edition.

The Keukenhof started in 1949 as an initiative by 10 flower bulb growers who wanted to showcase their trade. This year almost 1.4 million people, many of them foreign tourists, visited the park over the eight weeks it was open.

Next year, the Keukenhof will be open from 21 March to 12 May and tickets go on sale in November.

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