Holiday park blast in Friesland injures woman

Photo: Depositphotos

A woman was injured at a EuroParcs holiday park in Hindeloopen, Friesland on Wednesday when a gas explosion completely ripped apart one of the chalets.

The chalet was new and had just been connected to the gas network. “When we arrived we found complete chaos,” a firefighter told local broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. “There was burning debris everywhere.”

One woman, who had been staying at a nearby chalet, was injured in the blast and had to be treated in hospital.

The part of the park where the chalet stood has been turned into “a warzone” one of the other EuroParcs guests said. “The explosion must have been extremely powerful,” he said.

The 20 to 30 other tourists at the park have left or were moved to another location. The EuroParc group owns parks in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Belgium.

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