Reform talks with farmers to continue after cabinet intervention

LTO chief Sjaak van der Tak talks to journalists after the meeting. Photo: Robin Utrecht ANP

Farmers’ organisation LTO and ministers are to get back round the table in an effort to reach agreement on agricultural reforms. 

The decision to proceed with the talks follows a lengthy meeting between prime minister Mark Rutte, several other ministers, and the LTO which ended at around 1 am on Thursday. 

The LTO had pulled out of the talks on Wednesday afternoon, saying there was “nothing to talk about”. However, the farm lobby group’s chairman Sjaak van der Tak said on Wednesday night that the cabinet “had moved a little”

The aim of the talks is to work out how to reform Dutch farming, reduce nitrogen emissions and meet climate targets. Farm minister Piet Adema is also talking to environmental organisations, supermarkets and banks about their role. 

Earlier this week the cabinet published more details about its buy-out plan for livestock farmers located close to protected Natura 2000 areas.  

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