Code amber weather warning for Limburg, parts of Belgium

Photo: Odi Busman

The KNMI weather bureau has issued its second code amber weather warning of the week, this time to Limburg in the far south.

Heavy rain is expected to blanket the province later on Thursday and the KNMI is warning road users to stay home unless their journey is essential.

A code yellow warning has also been extended to Noord-Brabant, Gelderland and Overijssel.

Up to 50 millimetres of rain are expected to fall in the south of the country, but it could be up to 75 millimetres in some areas. Limburg may also be battered by hail and strong winds of up to 75 kph, the KNMI said.

The rain is heading into the Netherlands from Belgium and could result in strong currents on the Maas river, so boat owners are being warned to be particularly careful.

Belgian weather bureau KMI has issued a code red weather warning for the Namen region and code amber to several others because of the severe weather.

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