Sharp drop in railway-related suicides, campaign is paying off


There was a 10% drop in the number of people committing suicide on the railways last year, track company Prorail said on Wednesday.

In total, 194 people died in railway related suicides in 2018, down from 2015 in 2017. Last year’s death toll is a 10-year low.

Prorail said research showed that changes in newspaper coverage of railway suicides had reduced the amount of copycat behaviour. In addition, railway staff are now being trained to intervene when they spot certain behavioural patterns, Prorail said.

ProRail has been introducing special measures at suicide black spots since 2012, including fences and strong lighting which goes on if someone walks close to the track.

Some places also have cameras and posters informing people where they can turn for help.

How a day trip to Amsterdam turned into a confrontation with death

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