Who are the expats and where do they live?

only_expats_logo122Most of the expats in the Netherlands come from Germany and the UK, according to research carried out by nrc.next using unpublished data from the central statistics agency CBS.

There are 57,000 expats in the country, one-third of whom are male. They are mainly highly educated and earn large salaries.

Germany accounts for 7,350 of the total and the UK for 6,860. These two countries are followed by France, Belgium and Italy, with the US in sixth place. The majority of Asian expats come from India.

Around half of expats stay for a maximum of five years, the rest stay longer. They work mainly for companies on the Zuidas in Amsterdam and the international organisations and embassies in The Hague.

Expats tend to live in clusters with the majority of Indians living in Amstelveen, the Chinese in Delft, the British in Wassenaar and The Hague, and Germans and Belgians in Maastricht.



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