Dutch ready for Chile, Van Gaal says Fifa is not playing fair

The Netherlands play their third and final group World Cup match against Chile on Monday evening and motoring organisations are predicting an early evening rush hour as commuters leave work to catch the big game.

Both the Netherlands and Chile have won their previous two matches so tonight’s winner will lead Group B ahead of the knock-out rounds.

This weekend, Dutch coach Louis van Gaal came under fire for suggesting Fifa has not played fair in timing tonight’s games. The key results will be settled in Group B ahead of Group A, which Van Gaal seemed to suggest was allowing Brazil to pick its likely opponent.

Host country Brazil plays Cameroon in Group A at 22.00 on Monday and is tipped as Group A winner.

‘For every match Fifa have this advertisement around fair play,’ said Van Gaal. ‘Fifa plays these tricks and it’s not a good thing. It’s not fair play… I am just assuming they (Brazil) will do their sporting duty. Why on earth are they (Fifa) doing that (with the match schedule)? That is the question.’


In a reaction, Brazilian coach Luiz Felipe Scolari said Van Gaal’s comments were stupid.

‘We cannot choose our opponent,’ he is quoted as saying. ‘First of all we have to make sure we qualify. And Fifa chose the time of the match, not us.’

Group A’s winner will play the second placed in team in Group B. Group B’s winner will play Group A’s number two, which if Brazil wins tonight will be Mexico or Croatia.


As the Dutch team finalise their preparations, Dutch football pundits have been focusing on the formation Van Gaal has picked for the match.

Former international Johan Cruijff said in his weekly column in the Telegraaf newspaper the constant debate about whether Oranje will or should play in a 5-3-2 or 4-3-3 formation is ‘ridiculous’ and the focus should now be on playing football.

Given their Fifa ranking (15th place) Oranje had done well to get so far, he said. ‘So I am curious about the Netherlands-Chile game.’

Kick-off is at 18.00 Dutch time. Motoring organisations predict an early rush hour as commuters head home early to be sure of catching the game.

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