Health authority again under fire: hid bad hospital finance news

The Dutch health authority (NZa) deliberately concealed information showing that four out of 10 Dutch hospitals were loss-making, Nos television said on Thursday.

The information was removed from the NZa’s annual report by its management board, the broadcaster said. It bases its claims on documents leaked by a whistleblower.

Last week, Nos and the NRC newspaper reported confidential medical files and sensitive information about health insurance companies and care providers was not being properly secured by the NZa.

Draft report

In a draft version of the report about hospitals, it states 35 of the 90 Dutch hospital groups were in poor financial shape in 2012.

However, most of the problems were alleviated by temporary measures and the published version of the document says only 10% of hospitals were in financial trouble.

The final report did not include financial tables nor did it state that five of the country’s academic hospitals and 30 others were loss-making.

Second scandal

Health minister Edith Schippers is coming under increasing pressure to take action at the NZa, which is the government’s healthcare regulator.

The information comes from whistleblower Arthur Gotlieb who also compiled a 600-page report listing problems with the organisation’s internet security. But when he reported issues to his superiors, they tried to force him out, the NRC, which has the report, said a week ago.

Gotlieb committed suicide in January at the age of 50, shortly after submitting his report to NZa bosses.

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