Rejected asylum seeker gets 28 years for double murder

A rejected asylum seeker who killed his girlfriend and a police officer in Groningen two years ago has been jailed for 28 years.

Alasam S was also found guilty of attempting to murder two other villagers and threatening three other police officers.

The court ruled S had acted in such a way as to show he was well aware what he was doing and that the killing was premeditated. The man, who claims to come from Benin, was also fully responsible for his actions, the court said.


The public prosecution department had called for a life sentence.

S had heard he would be deported six days before the killing spree. He battered his girlfriend to death with a fire extinguisher and went on to shoot the police officer with his own gun after a struggle.

The killings took place in the Groningen village of Baflo, which has a population of 1,800 and is described as a ‘close knit’ community.

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