Speculation continues over key witness death

Speculation over the death of Bram Zeegers, a key witness in the trail of suspected crime boss Willem Holleeder, continues to command media attention today with the emphasis shifting to the role of the woman who was at Zeggers’ home when the police arrived in the early hours of Tuesday.

According to Vrij Nederland’s website, the woman is the Brazilian girlfriend of one ‘Joop de B’ who owns a bar on Amsterdam’s posh Beethovenstraat.
The website says De B, the owner of Café Carmen was being blackmailed by Holleeder. This led to a police tap on the café’s phone in 2005 and 2006 – which turns out to be the mobile phone of Shirley O. And she is still being questioned by police in connection with Zeegers’ death.
According to the NRC, Zeegers and Shirley O. were spotted buying cocaine the evening before his death in café Kalfje in Amstelveen.

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